Milk of Israel film still
Milk of Israel - Colette Lewis
5th Jun - 5th Jul 2015
Milk of Israel film still
Opens Thurs 4 June 7pm. Runs until Sun 5 July.
Milk of Israel comprises of two new video works: Yaccov, Yanki, Jack & Monitor I-IV, the main title is translated from the Hebrew word ‘Chalav Yisroel’ which is a Jewish religious term referring to dairy products derived from cows or sheep milk, milked under supervision of an observant Jew. Kosher foods are foods that conform to the regulations of Jewish dietary laws found mainly in the ancient biblical books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy.
Set against the backdrop of the dairy farming community in Kanturk Co. Cork Milk of Israel follows the supervision process of Super Kosher milk production in North Cork Co-operative Creameries for Yavney Food Industries, Israel. Through sensitive handling of this complex material Lewis follows the inroads of these uncommon processes, revealing the challenges inherent in radically alternative worldviews.
Writer/curator Maria Tanner will present a new text in conjunction with this exhibition.
Colette Lewis is an artist living and working in Cork. Her practice incorporates a variety of art making processes including video, photography and installation. She received an MA in Visual Art Practices from IADT Dublin (2010) and a BA in Fine Art Sculpture from the Limerick School of Art & Design (1995). Her work has been shown in various exhibitions, public events and film festivals including EV+A Limerick, Tulca Visual Arts Festival Galway, CorkCaucus National Sculpture Factory, C2 Contemporary Art in Cork Crawford Municipal Art Gallery Cork, Sonic Vigil Festival Cork, Kerry Film Festival, Fipa International Audio Visual Festival, Birritz France and Park in Progress Pepinieries pour Europeannes jeunne artistes Paris. She has participated in residencies in Paris, Bratislavia, Wales, London and Cork.