Softday (Sean Taylor and Mikael Fernström)
Sounds of the Unthinkable
7th Apr 2018
Softday (Sean Taylor and Mikael Fernström)
Sounds of the Unthinkable
A performance from Softday in collaboration with the Deep Water Singers Adrian Gebruers and St Colman's Cathedral, Cobh.
In association with Sustainable Futures and This Must Be The Place.
Saturday 07 April, 4pm.
The creative work of the art/science collaboration Softday (Sean Taylor and Mikael Fernström) explores our relation to and understanding of our environment, through sonifications, multimedia artworks and performances.
In 2008 the Irish Examiner published an article about possible links between cancer rates in the Cobh area and pollution from the former Irish Steel plant at Haulbowline. In 2017 during a residency at Sirius Arts Centre, Softday initiated a dialogue with interested members of the local community, environmental scientists, maritime experts, Cork County Council and others to creatively explore the social, environmental and political impacts of the various scientific and environmental data that Sofday were collating.
On the 7th April at 4pm, 2018 Softday will return to Sirius Arts Centre to present the creative results of their findings in a live concert entitled “Sounds of the Unthinkable’. Utilising existing (and contested) pollution data and field recordings gathered from the Cork Harbour area, Softday have created two unique sound art compositions. The first, All Things Are Not Quiet Silent, will be performed by carillonneur Adrian Patrick Gebruers, on the 49-bell Carillon of St. Colman's Cathedral in Cobh. The second, As I Went Out One Morning, a contemporary sea shanty utilising field recordings, conversations and environmental impact reports, will be performed by Softday and the Deep Water Singers from Cobh.
About Softday
For over fifteen years Softday, the art-science collaboration of artist Sean Taylor and computer scientist Mikael Fernström, have engaged with issues relating to natural cycles in time, climate change and its global effects. As a collaborative team they use their arts practice to explore relations to and understandings of nature, expressed through sonifications and multimedia artworks and performances. Both artists are interested in exploring ‘the cracks’ between various media and creative genres such as expanded theatre, sound art, socially engaged practice, sculpture, music, dance and the application of new technologies.
Free event, no booking required.
Calling all singers in the Cork Harbour area!
Softday are looking for volunteer singers to perform their new sea shanty composition: As I Went Out One Morning, a short workshop will be held with interested members of the public on Friday 6th April from 3-5pm at Sirius Arts Centre, Cobh. The work will then be performed live at Sirius on Saturday 7th March at 4pm as part of This Must Be The Place and the Sustainable Futures Exhibition. If you are interested in attending this workshop please call 021 4813790 or email info@siriusartscentre.ie with the subject heading 'Softday workshop'.