Cliff Masheti, Fionnuala O’Connell, Raphael Olympio, Outsider Yp (Mark Mavambu)
15th Feb
PERFORMANCE: Cliff Masheti, Fionnuala O’Connell, Raphael Olympio, Outsider Yp (Mark Mavambu)
Cliff Masheti, Fionnuala O’Connell, Raphael Olympio and Outsider Yp (Mark Mavambu) are artists based in Cork City and County. Their work addresses the productive tensions between inclusion and integration versus exclusion and segregation. They are presenting an evening of spoken word. They explore, individually and collectively, themes of identity associated with their diasporic experience. The performances embrace the agency provided by this self-reflection and assert counter-narratives to dominant portrayals of Irish life.
Following the performance, the artists discuss their practice with SIRIUS director Miguel Amado.
This event is programmed in the context of Alice Rekab’s exhibition Clann Miotlantach / Mythtlantics. It engages with its themes of familial and artistic connections, migration, and sense of place and belonging.
Saturday, 15 February
Free; no booking required
Accessibility Note
Our building has accessibility limitations. There are three steps to the front door and a temporary wheelchair ramp is available upon request. Our toilets are also accessed via stairs and are not open to visitors. Public toilets are beside the Titanic Experience, by The Promenade.