Dear... Selected Letters from Brian O’Doherty 1970s-2018, edited by Brenda Moore-McCann
28th Sep 2018
Book launch: Dear... Selected Letters from Brian O’Doherty 1970s-2018, edited by Brenda Moore-McCann
As part of One Here Now: The Brian O’Doherty / Patrick Ireland Project
Friday 28 September 4.30pm
Launch of Dear...Selected Letters from Brian O’Doherty 1970s-2018, edited by Brenda Moore-McCann, designed by Vermillion & published in association with Vermillion Design, Dublin, on September 28th 2018 at 4.30 pm Sirius Art Centre.
Opening remarks by Professor Eoin O’Brien.
Brenda Moore-McCann (M.B. B.A. [Mod)], Ph.D) is a medical doctor, art historian, writer and Adjunct Assistant Professor at Trinity College Dublin. She is the author of the first monograph: Brian O’Doherty/Patrick Ireland: Between Categories published by Lund Humphries & Ashgate in 2009. She has written extensively on the artist’s work including O’Doherty’s “Aspen 5+6” (1967), published in Modern Ireland in 100 Artworks in 2016 and “Art Matters: How art and medicine intersect in the art of Brian O’Doherty/Patrick Ireland” in the Royal Society Journal of Medical Biography in 2017. “Imaging Silence and the Language Virus,” was also published in 2017 in Brian O’Doherty/Patrick Ireland: Word, Image and Institutional Critique, edited by Christa Mia Lerm Hayes.
Eoin O’Brien is Adjunct Professor of Molecular Pharmacology at the Conway Institute of Bimolecular and Biomedical Research, University College Dublin. He has published many scientific papers on hypertension research. He serves in an administrative capacity with a number of national and international bodies concerned with the global management of cardiovascular disease. He has written books on medical historical subjects, which include Conscience and Conflict: A Biography of Sir Dominic Corrigan, and A Portrait of Irish Medicine. He has also written historical books on three of Dublin’s voluntary hospitals, which were closed in recent years, and he has written books on famous Dublin writers and artists, including A.J Leventhal and Nevill Johnson. He wrote an acclaimed biographical study on Samuel Beckett, who was his friend for many years, entitled The Beckett Country: Samuel Beckett’s Ireland, and he published Beckett’s first novel Dream of fair to middling Women in 1992. His latest book The Weight of Compassion & Other Essays has been published by Lilliput Press.