Image John Keating
27th Mar - 26th Apr 2015
Image John Keating
Opens Thurs 26 March 7pm. Runs until Sun 26 April.
Generation is a public participation project with GASP (Glasheen Art Studio Program). The project invited people of varying ages to create works on the subject of age; the work of both children and older people will be presented together, portraying the curiosity and magic of childhood through to the experience of those in later years. The project provides opportunities for people from different generations to meet, interact and support each other’s creative process. Generation is in collaboration with St Luke’s nursing home in Cork and Cork Educate Together National School.
There will be a number of additional events associated with this project: Guided tours (schools/public) & Pop-up Cafe every Thursday between 12-2pm. Meet the artists every Saturday between 3-4.30pm. There will also be a response zone in place for the duration of the exhibition with paper and drawing materials provided for the public to engage and make their own work.
GASP (Glasheen Art Studio Programme) is developed through the COPE Foundations' Arts Programme and is directed by Hermann Marbe.